Friday, January 21, 2011

Internships: Week Three, Blog 2

3. You are half-way through your project. How is it going? What challenges have you faced? What have you learned? What are you doing to ensure a successful completion of your internship project.
My internship is going really we so far. I love it! I have so much fun all the time. At first I was kind of bored during the day the work was repetitive and I didn't like it very much. But I go used to the work and I got to start liking it more and I found ways for it to vary. I learned that being an adult can be boring too and that you can do what your meant for even if you don't have to practice or experience. To "ensure the success of my internship" I want to keep doing things the way I am. My project is going well prep for the spring/2011 collection is perfect we're fixing the factories mistakes and shipping out things to our vendors around the world.

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