Article Possibility One: Designer Babies
1. The chance to decide what your baby will look like hair color, eye color ect...
The Science: One way to make a designer baby begins with an embryo created by in vitro fertilization (IVF). Genetic engineers modify the embryo’s DNA and then introduce it into a womb. These children would be genetically modified.
The Humanities: Discuss the ethics of it. Is it right to be able to control what a child would look like. why should a parent be able to make this decision when the child might not want to look the way they were made to.
Relevant Stage of Life: Fetal or Adulthood

3. A baby's genetic makeup would be artificially selected by genetic engineering and then combined with in vitro fertilisation to ensure the presence or absence of particular genes or characteristics.
4. This is a fairly recent possibility people are questioning the ethics of it though. It turns to the problem with embryo termination and the chance that we would breed a race of super humans which in turn relates to Hitler's
concepts and Dr. Josef Mengele's experiments.
Article Possibility Two: Diabetes
1.Type 1 diabetes results from autoimmune destruction of insulin-producingbeta cells of the pancreas.
The science: Type 1 diabetes is a polygenic disease meaning multiple genes cause it. Although they are not sure of the cause one of the possibilities is the when the immune system attacks infectious cells or viruses is also attacks the beta cells in the pancreas.
The Humanities: How long has diabetes been affecting humans? Has is come around since a particular food was introduced to our diet? How would this affect someones life.
Relevant Stage of life: All apply

3. Type 1 diabetes is a polygenic disease meaning multiple genes cause it or contribute to the cause. Depending on locus or combination of loci, it can be dominant, recessive, or somewhere in between. Although they are not sure of the cause one of the possibilities is the when the immune system attacks infectious cells or viruses is also attacks the beta cells in the pancreas.
4. Type 2 diabetes is now affecting out nation harshly. Due to our horrible diet and lack of information. At lease 8% of our nation is affected by type 2 diabetes that is 23.6 million people.
Article Possibility Three: Parkinson's disease
1. Parkinson's is a degenerative disorder of the central nervous system that often impairs the sufferer's motor skills, speech, and other functions.
The science: Although most people with PD do not know the cause 15% are do to genetic mutations and have family member also affected by PD.
The Humanities: First documented in 1817 and was known as shaking palsy. This disease has affected many people through out history but a cure has never been found.
Relevant Stage of Life: Child - Elderly

4. Why or how had this disease never been cured? Who is history has been affected by Parkinson's? What is it like to live with PD?
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