What stands out to you in your learning?
(Your beard)
All the writing tips seem to have been the most helpful. I go home and this about them. Yeah I kknow thats a little weird but it's exciting. I write a lot on my own time but I don't spend the time to improve my actual style so these writing tips are helping me not only in class but on my personal time to.
What is working well in this class?
A lot of it might actually be your general exctiement about teaching to us. It makes everything more interesting and makes it seem like if you can be excited about it then we can be to.
What can you do to build upon your successes?
Just keep pushing the way I have been for the first part of this semester. Pushing and makeing sure everything is done right, asking for help and helping others.
What very specific, concrete & manageable steps can you take to make the most of your opportunities to learn in this class?
-Be time efficient
-Listen and pay attention at all times
-Ask questions and make sure I always know whats going on in class
What are your goals for the next few weeks in class?
To stay focused and do the best I can on the upcoming project.
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