5. What advice would you pass on to future interns? What are the most important skills for a student to be successful at his/her internship? How could another student develop these skills prior to beginning internship?
I would tell them all to FIND THERE OWN INTERNSHIP don't wait around for the school to find you one that you would just settle for. Talk to people in September and make sure you and your mentor mesh well because I spent every day in and out with my mentor and if I didn't like her it would have been the worst month of my life. At your internship be professional. Be professional but also be friendly. Do what your told efficiently, but well and double check work you do. Gaining the trust of your coworkers will be the biggest benefit to the enjoyment and success of your intern experience. Get to know the people your working with and research what you think you will be doing. Ask for a list of the tasks you might be doing before the month of your internship so you can prepare for the time ahead and gain the acceptance of the people(adults) you are with.