- Improve drug rehabilitation centers more funding to that
- Overhaul the health-care system to provide coverage for the more than 45 million Americans who lack it and to bring soaring costs under control.
- Renegotiate Prescription Drug Benefit
- Investing in stem cell and other medical research.
- Give single American’s access to affordable, effective health care coverage
- Investing in life saving stem cell and other medical research that offers real hope for cures and treatment for millions of Americans.
- Preventing Insurance Company Discrimination
- Helping Seniors With Prescription Drugs
- Low costs for health care
- Improvements made to medicaid
What do you want to accomplish?
I would like bills voted for and passed that support each and everyone of these issues.
How do you plan to accomplish it?
I will write bills that support each of theses issues and submit them to the senate then show why they should be votes for though the duration of the trial.
Who are you working with to get this done?
I am working mainly with the witnesses making sure they way what needs to be said.