Thursday, April 28, 2011

Semester Deux, Blog Eleven

If you were President, how would you confront the multiple issues surrounding the Geneva Conventions that we have discussed in class over the past week?

If I were the president I would stop any activity that was in violation of the Geneva Conventions I would try anyone who had ever violated them and try the people who had been hurt by the lack of the use of the Geneva Conventions. They would be tried in a fair trial. I would try the people who violated them and also the government officials who allowed things like that to happen. Someone had to give the order and someone must be held responsible. I would then proceed to close down Guantanamo Bay.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Semester dos, honors blog

Dear Nancy,

I miss you so much. Since the military moved John and me to Minnesota it has been so lonely. He’s gone away to fight again. They told me he was going to Asia but not when he’s be back.

The jobs out here are easier to come by. Have you heard of the Twin Cities Ordnance Plant? Well, that’s where I am working now. You know what? More that half the workers there are women. It’s pretty amazing the extremes we’ve gone to in this horrible war. There are so many different tasks at Twin Cities there are people processing gun powders and a second set of people to check them over. There are people making bullet casing and creating bullets. There are even people working on bomb shells. I avoid that part of the factory at al costs. My job is to file bullets. I sort through them, keep them separated by size and check that they are all in top condition. Of course it’s not just me doing the job. That would be hell.

But the job is really scary too. Everyday they warn us about explosions and the danger of working with munitions. I was told that last year at the Dunlop factory the floor of the second story was blasted right though because of an explosion on the floor below. And you know what? Those ridiculous chemicals they make us work with stained three of my blouses. Three! My fingernails and hair are stained too. There seems to be no way to get it out since we have to work with the chemicals that make the stains almost every day. I heard that some of the girls were using lemons to bleach their skin. I saw Barb through her window with her elbows set in lemons. How odd.

I found out from some of the other girls that had been working their longer than me that the men get paid more than us. I mean I guess that’s to be expected but it still doesn’t seem fair. I’m told the unions are trying to do something for us but I doubt anything will come of it.

With John away and me being the only one at home I’m the only real source of income. You know our financial standing isn’t great but not many people are. Anyways being the source of income is rather empowering. I feel kind like the world should be looking to me to see how it should be. Women can play a huge part in society and we will, I just know it.

I heard that yesterday, just yesterday, that Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania declared war on US. Great more people that hate us. That’s what we need right. I guess the silver lining would be more work for me. I think that should be sarcastic but what ever keeps me fed. Right? I wonder if we’re going to fight back or what going to happen with that because at the moment our military seems pretty occupied.

I am so afraid that John will come back to me in a coffin. Do you have the same fear for William? I just don’t like the idea of his life being risked. I hate to think about Martha’s son, my husband, out there on the battle field. How does our government feel like they have the right to send someone’s child away to fight their wars. It just makes me so scared.

Did you hear that 6 days ago we declared war on Japan. What am I supposed to do about the Japanese people who live near me. They know my John is away fighting. Fighting them? Are they going to go to Japan to fight? I feel like they’re going to blame me and hurt me. I wonder if we’ll find a way to keep them away. I bet some of them are spies. Or at least that’s what I’ve been hearing muttered around town.

No matter how unlikely it is I hope you can come to visit me. Maybe you can find a older man from around town to drive you up here. I miss you dearly darling.

Much Love,



Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Semester dos, blog ten

Frankie and Sam Smullin & WWII

Frankie and Sam met at kind of a juice bar where she worked where there were bible verses on the tables. Their courtship was short because he was in the Navy and the war was on. He was going to be deployed and wanted to marry her. So, instead of a wedding gown, I mean the was shortly after the depression, Frankie wore her good blue suit and of course, Sam wore his uniform and for the rest of her life, Frankie delighted in telling the story of her “Good Blue Suit.”

Through the Hatch

After Korea, Sam was still electrical chief on a submarine and he was leaving a port in Asia somewhere and there was a man in a barge who was trying to sell his good to the sailors before they left for the united States. He has these beautiful hand carved chests and Sam wanted two of them but figured they wouldn’t fit through the hatch on the submarine. So he made a deal he said he’s buy them if they fit and the fit, but just barely. My grandmother has on of those chest in her living room.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

WWII Propaganda

Der Fuehrer's Face was created by Disney in 1943 is stars Donald Duck. It won the Academy Award for Animated Short Film in 1943. This short film depicts Nazi Germany in the worst light possible and as any American's nightmare. The food is horrid, they are constantly "Heil"ing and Donald works 48 hous shifts.

This film is shocking. I never thought anything so innocent could be turned into such blatant propaganda. They obviously are over exaggerating everything. and making Nazi Germany look the worst possible in the American eye.

WWII Nurses

In this picture is Eileen Driscoll with her WRAF colleagues this picture was taken between 1943 and 1946 Eileen was part of a team of Women's Royal Air Force who treated injured servicemen while they were being flown home from the front line.

I really like this picture it shows happy women who did something productive to support the war efforts for their country. I love seeing evidence of feminine supports in that time period.

The Vilification of Enemy Leadership in WWII

Herbert A. Friedman is the artist of this piece. It pictures

Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, and Emperor Hirohito of the axis powers. This picture makes the axis powers look very evil and not like someone anyone would ally with. The date is unknown but it was surly during WWII.

In seeing this it almost makes me pity the men depicted. I mean yes, they're horrible people but this is scary. I would hate to be them.

Honors Blog Sense and Sensibility Symbolism

Choice #3) In a well developed, thoughtful piece of writing that uses direct quotes, explain the use of symbols to develop a theme in your novel.

Sense and Sensibility is a book about love and life and the sisterhood between Elinor and Marianne. Elinor and Marianne are the two main characters in the book. The symbolize the title of the book. Elinor is “sense.” She always telling the others in her life what is best and what would make sense in the situation. She is logical. Marianne is “sensibility” she falls for men easily but has high standards. Marianne is also artistic and represents love and romanticism.

Money is the other big symbol in Sense and Sensibility. Elinor, Marianne and their mother move into a small cottage away from the mansion they had been living in, moving away from the money in their life. They find though that money and companionship seems to follow them. Marianne literally falls into the arms of Willoughby. Their loves grows quickly and he offers them a horse named Queen Mab. Willoughby is rich and a horse is a large sign of money and well being. He so easily offers it to Marianne as a token of his affections that it makes her feel well off too. Only when she brings the news home to her mother does she realize her family does not have the income to take care of a horse and it becomes nothing more than a dream like what money is to her family.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Semester Deux, Blog Seven: Honors Blog

America’s Rebellion Against European Ideals

I have been watching and learning about America’s Rebellion Against European Ideals ever since I was a child. They always fascinated me and when I had the chance to write about them I took it.

America’s Rebellion Against European Ideals took it’s first steps when people from England began to come to America, or the new land. In 1706 the main colonization of America started and this was really when America’s Rebellion Against European Ideals was born. They were not at all yet formed and very dependant on their Mother England. The more time that was spent in America the more independent it became from it’s mother. As they got into their teenager years they began to resent their parents and America’s Rebellion Against European Ideals took its first steps into the sunlight when in 1775 America charged into battle and finally broke away from the British Government. America’s Rebellion Against European Ideals shouted “No more kings!” at the top of their lungs and slammed the door on mother England. America saw the fault in having a king and broke free.

The first major documentation of America’s Rebellion Against European Ideals was the Declaration of Independence. It was 1776 and they were in college at the time and this was part of their graduating thesis. It states “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it.” This was a huge step away from European ideals stating that the people have a write to fix or abolish a destructive form of government. This was America’s Rebellion Against European defining statement It helped them decide what they wanted to do with their life. It told the world who they were and how they planned to run themselves. It made them their own person. The Declaration of Independence it now known world wide.

Then they wrote the Constitution and the Bill of rights. America was a Union of states each with their own power and the constitution was that agreement in writing. These documents defined the type of government that would be used. Three branches of government with equal power to watch over each other. This broke another European Ideal: Europe’s old dusty government with a king and no people choice.

The last huge thing America’s Rebellion Against European Ideals was to help George Washington to step down from his presidency. America seemed to want to keep Washington as their president and turn him into more of a king but Washington new his term was up and he stepped down. This was so unique for someone to step down from a position of power where they were wanted. It was so unique and it led to another president being elected and it showed how well the system worked.

America’s Rebellion Against European Ideals, after spending time aways from home and living on their own for a while found a way to get over their resentment of their parents. Europe and America now have a wonderful relationship and spend time together. They trade things and back each other up in fights. They broke free and learned from each other as America’s Rebellion Against European Ideals grew up.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Semester Deux, Blog Six

Link to three outstanding Ampersand article pitches that you have seen on other students' blogs.

What makes each one stand out to you? What makes you believe these pitches would lead to great articles? Write a paragraph for each.

Maira's 3 Pitches

Pitch Number One:
I was thinking about writing my article based off of a few main quotes. I would have a my first quote to start the essay, and that would lead to me explaining how my day was based off of that. Then my next quote could help me move into the next subject of how I grew. And I could write the essay like that.

I like this pitch because

Pitch Number Two:
I could write the essay in a timeline format, I could start out with the time I wake up and how I start my day all the way until I finish the day. All the while I could be adding things that have improved my life and how certain things affected me,etc.

Pitch Number Three:
I could also write my article like from the viewpoint of either the camera I borrowed to take all of my pictures, or my laptop that I took to the internship quite a few days, or even my coffee mug I took to the internship everyday. This way I could have things from a different perspective and explain how it would seem things are and then later add what I was thinking into the story.